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Pastor Corey

This week we begin the season of Lent, and our remembrance of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting and being tested by the Devil. We also spend this time remembering Jesus walk towards Jerusalem and his eventual death on the cross. During this season many of us will either fast from something up or take up a new practice for the next 40 days and 40 nights. Depending on who you ask the reason we partake in these practices differ from remembering Jesus own fast in the wilderness, in thanks for Jesus final giving up of his life on the cross, or to give us energy for the work that is ahead of us in the seasons following Lent. The other reason sometimes offered up that I find most compelling is we take part in these practices to bring ourselves closer to God. That in taking our mind off something, or bringing its attention to something else we can create space in ourselves to focus on the divine. I think it’s most compelling to me right now because I, and I think a lot of us, could use a little more closeness to the great comforter that is God.


I think the that’s part of the reason why there is such a beautiful diversity in the ways we all practice Lent. We all find comfort in different ways. I know for me comfort can be something as simple as an oversized sweatshirt. I’m not sure if it’s cause I’m a smaller person or what but ever since I was a kid I’ve always loved my sweatshirts to be several sizes bigger than they should be. For me there is something nice about being able to bundle up all of the extra and feel the weight of it on me when things are chilly or hard. I know for others comfort can come from food, friends, pets and so many other things. So as we begin our Lenten season and you give up or add things to your life what are you doing? What do you find comforting? And what kind of space are you looking for God to comfort in your life?











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